The Possibility of Going Online

With the rise of COVID-19 cases throughout CCSD, the possibility of schools returning online are on the high. 

Omicron, which is currently the variant capturing the eyes of the country, is studied as highly transmissible, yet the symptoms it transpires are at a lesser impact than the prior variants. 

According to the CDC, “Omicron had been detected in most states and territories and continues to be the dominant variant in the United States.” 

“Going online last year was hard and impacted my grade. I do worse online than I do in person,” Sophomore Kaden Lucas said. 

The controversial topic of how well learning through the computer and surrounded by the walls of our own house are constantly discussed amongst students at Spring Valley, as well as feeling of pressure due to the IB program and rigorous classes leaves some students preferring to possibly catch COVID instead of being limited due to school closures. 

“The new COVID rules that allow us to come back only make us quarantine for five days…I feel pretty healthy so I’d rather just work online for those days instead of the rest of the year,” Lucas said. 

Winter and Spring sports also impact student’s views on going virtual, such as it may close practices and games for a second year. 

“If I go back online, my team and I most likely won’t have the opportunity to wrestle and that could mean other sports won’t be played too,” Sophomore Orion Kaiser said. 

“Learning just through [Google] meet will also impact my grades. I didn’t feel like I learned a lot last year.” 

Although some students say returning to virtual learning will be the downfall of the two options, the idea of catching the variant and possibly spreading it to vulnerable family members are still on the spectrum. While children and teens show to be less affected by COVID-19, adults and seniors especially with health issues could suffer worse.