Getting Ready To Say Goodbye

In a month, our seniors at Spring Valley will be leaving to start their new lives outside of highschool. With the group graduating, they’ll be leaving memories and friends behind. Being a sophomore with older friends, it’s hard to say goodbye. 

Last year, I personally met a junior at the time, now a senior, in my journalism class. After some time of being partnered up with each other, we became close friends. Now that she is graduating this year, it’s been getting emotional.

This goes for a majority of the younger class who have upperclassmen as close friends. Realizing they’re going to start their new lives either at college,  away or at different places then they are now. Knowing that in 30 days your older friends won’t be able to hang out with you as much as you used to, this leads to  the friendship changing or ending because of the distance or you just fall off with the friendship. 

A fear of being one of the many people that will have to say goodbye to their friends soon is starting to hit me emotionally. It seems almost unreal to be watching them grow as a person and now graduate. 

To the friends that are leaving here soon, good luck and keep going! All of the underclassmen are proud!