BREAKING NEWS: CCSD Closes Schools for 5-Day Rest
CCSD announced a Five-Day Pause from in-person learning, yesterday, January 11th. The adjusted calendar goes as follows: Staff Development Day on Friday, January 14th, 2022 and a Contingency Day on January 18th, 2022.
The official reasons for this pause include “extreme staffing shortages” and efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19 in schools, ensuring the promotion of a safe and healthy learning environment.
All before and after school activities from January 14th, 2022 to January 18th, 2022, including athletics, extracurricular meetings, Safekey and field-trips are canceled.
Monday, February 7, 2022, a former Contingency Day and Monday, April 25, 2022, a former Staff Development Day, will become full days of instruction.
According to Las Vegas Fox5, “… since Tuesday, the district has reported more than 10,500 total COVID-19 cases since July, including nearly 7,000 students and 3,000 staffers. Of the total number, 2,272 have been reported this month.”
Almost everyone, including staff, had learned of the same news at the same time as everyone else.
“I understand that the times are unprecedented and the flexibility needed during this time is expected,” School counselor Corrin Bennion said. “They’re [making]… last minute decisions as they’re going off of numbers that are changing daily and hourly.”
Spring Valley isn’t the only school with a problem of having a lack of staff, as there are District-wide staffing and substitute shortages. According to the Review Journal, on Thursday, January 6th, 1,875 CCSD employees were absent with a student attendance rate of 83 percent.
“They know [CCSD] that a lot of us are getting sick and students are getting sick and maybe not even getting sick but needing to quarantine because somebody near them has been testing positive,” Teacher Tim Jacklin said.
With new variants of COVID-19 like Omicron, positivity rates are at the highest they’ve been since the beginning of the pandemic.
“I am glad that we gave [the pause] a chance…” Bennion said. “It would’ve caused a little more anxiety if it happened at the beginning and we’re thinking like ‘Oh my gosh, we’re never coming back?’.. We’re pivitoring based off of numbers right now.”
Students will be able to continue receiving free-school meals during this 5 Day Pause by taking extra servings home.
“I think the 5-Day-Pause is a great way to limit the spread of Covid especially since the new variant is so contagious,” Student Body President Emily Pham said, “This is a great way to just put a pause as we enter the second semester.”
Even with the benefits of this pause, students have voiced concerns about the future of in-person learning, with memories of the first shut down.
“I do have some concerns because we have lived through this before and our breaks were extended and extended so hopefully we stay open for students to continue being in an engaging environment,” Pham said.
Teachers are also maintaining a level of cautiousness regarding the potential return to distance learning, though there has been no official statement from CCSD.
“I’m hoping to be able to get prepared as much as possible for any eventuality with the days that I will still be working from home,” Jacklin said.
Though, some staff feel as though in-person learning will be the main priority.
“I think [the District] will choose a pause over Distance Education…” Bennion said. “I would prefer a pause over trying to transition to Distance learning. That transition time, getting things rolling and in place, just takes a lot of time and disrupts rather than ‘Okay let’s just take a pause.’”
Employees and students will return to work and regular in-person instruction on Wednesday, January 19, 2022. More updates from Spring Valley will follow and will be updated at

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