Safety Awareness at Parties


Photos of Las Vegas Art centers. From left: Area 15, Market in the Alley, the Smith Center.

With the holiday season rapidly approaching, parties come with the holiday season. Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Years Eve parties are common holidays that are celebrated with parties during the winter season. However, parties can result in violence, especially when using alcohol and drugs knowingly or unknowingly.

The amount of alcohol consumed has a correlation of the increased risk of violence occurring at a party. Binge drinking cultures and the nightlife should heighten one’s behavior especially with the mix of drugs involved. Drinking or using laced substances can result in health risks such as experiencing loss of consciousness, or falling into a coma. 

Women are more likely to be exposed to violence and danger during parties. Women are often the target of getting roofied when leaving their drinks unattended. Women who are roofied have an increased chance of being robbed, sexually assaulted or be the victim of heinous acts. Nightlife parties are the common locations where these heinous acts are premeditated, because of the exposure of people in celebratory moods and substances. According to Women’s Health, nearly 11 million women in the United States have been raped while drunk, drugged, or high. 

How can I be safe at parties? 

First of all, be cautious of your surroundings. If you have a feeling in your gut that something terrible is going to happen, leave the party. Plan how much you’ll drink or not to drink at all, especially if you know how you react when drinking. If drinking, don’t drink and drive. Plan beforehand how you’ll get to and from the party. 

To be more secure at a party, going out with friends is preferable. Having a designated driver is also a tip for partying safely. Keep a lookout for your friends to prevent anything bad from happening or in case they’re showing bad reactions from drinking or taking a substance. 

Where can I be informed on the awareness of safeness at parties?

The BetterHealth Channel, Youth Central, the National Sexual Assault Hotline and many more resources all have information on how to party safely. With upcoming holiday celebrations coming, it’s a good time to be educated on awareness of safeness at parties. There’s still a way to have fun celebrating these holidays without escalating it.