Disney’s “Frozen II”, the sequel to the 2013 Disney animated movie “Frozen”, builds on the growing popular movie. Taking place three years after the events in “Frozen”, the film follows the continuing adventures of the Kingdom of Arendale, with returning characters such as Elsa, Anna, Kristoff and Olaf played by Idina Mezel, Kritsell Bell, Jonathan Groff and Josh Gad.
There was a handful of new characters who aid Elsa and Anna along their journey but had little characterization despite being great potential fan favorites. The spotlight of character development seemed to be focusing on Elsa and Anna while neglecting characters from the first film like Kristoff and Olaf. The movie was packed with barely any time to take a step back so the development of the new characters will probably occur if there is an extension of the franchise.
The overall conflict of the film was very bland though it did tie in elements from the first film providing a thematic bridge between the first movie and the sequel. The majority of the movie is focused on Elsa’s self discovery leaving less time for a complete resolution. Disney movies typically have some sort of satisfying ending but as the resolution occurred there was such a speedy, almost like a rush, to complete the movie without much closure.
Despite falling short plot wise, the soundtrack to the film, written by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, and composed by Christophe Beck, is phenomenal in all ways. “Into the Unknown” sung by Idina Mezel and AURORA, is a powerful ballad as Elsa is beckoned by a siren-like voice into the enchanted forest, starting the adventure of the movie. It seems to be the “Let It Go” of this film, with an intense climax and Broadway-like belts expressing Elsa’s curiosity to this voice she hears. “The Next Best Thing” sung by Kristen Bell is Anna’s solo song. After being found in hopelessness and despair, Anna sings this emotion filled song as a comforter to herself. Kristen Bell’s clear cut voice and falsetto provide this song with an unforgettable genuine aspect. “Show Yourself”, sung by Idina Menzel and Evan Rachel Wood, provided an emotional duet between a desperate daughter longing the answers her mother has. The song is raw and truly describes Elsa’s journey of self-discovery.
With most viewers coming in with high expectations, one thing that blew the movie out of the park was the visuals. Many scenes left viewers breathless and with chills, as they took in the amazing cinematography. The animation team consisted of 80 individuals, with many departments coming together to create the perfect atmosphere for certain scenes.
The film is currently grossed $358,200,000 in its opening weekend, being the highest-grossing opening weekend for an animated film in the global box office. “Frozen II” has also been nominated for the Golden Globes, Annie Awards and other film critic award shows. With talk from producers about the story of Arendale not being completed quite yet, viewers can expect another “Frozen” movie to blow us away, building on the beloved franchise.