The Mandalorian, the first live-action TV series in the Star Wars universe, lives up to the franchise name while still maintaining its own twist. The first episode, Chapter 1, was released and made available on Disney’s new streaming service, Disney+, with Chapter 5 set to be released on December 6, 2019.
The story follows the Mandalorian, a lone gunfighter (Pedro Pascal) making his way throughout the galaxy as a rather expensive bounty hunter, not to be confused with the well-known bounty hunter, Boba Fett, from the movies. Although his appearance is somewhat similar to his with almost complete silence, a great skill in what he does, and an intimidating appearance that never lacks his mask.
It is shown that he is a part of a bounty hunter guild with many clients not willing to pay the high cost of a bounty hunter. This story seems to follow the fall of the second death star and fall of the empire with imperial credits being considered rather worthless to our pricy bounty hunter. The Mandalorian is sent by who seems to be the guild leader Greef Carga (Carl Weathers) to meet with a mysterious client (Werner Herzog) who gives him a bounty far more difficult than the ones he has dealt with before.
The show really does make it feel like it is something different from the Star Wars universe. Unlike Solo and Rogue One, there are very few references to any of the movies. The show almost has a Hollywood Western movie style and seems to take some inspiration from the blockbuster Marvel industry and isn’t ashamed to admit it.
Though there is still much to learn of this character, he does seem to more than just some lone gunfighter. He is even shown donating some of his earnings to orphans. Unsurprisingly, some teasing flashbacks hinted at a tragic backstory involving our main character, which most likely contains the reason why he became a bounty hunter.
Putting aside that cliche, the show itself is stunning to look at. From the CGI to the costumes, Disney knows how to keep the atmosphere that draws fans in. The landscapes are breathtaking with three different plants that remind viewers that they are still in the Star Wars universe.
The show is currently living up to expectations and fans hope that this show can keep the hype that it has built for itself for the rest of the season. The first season is said to have eight episodes and has already been renewed for a second season. It is carrying the Star Wars franchise and drawing in more fans to subscribe to Disney+.