The internet is part of the world-wide-web, which is a large ‘web’ of shared information from people all over the world. Nearly every student uses this great resource, but do they know how to actually use the internet properly? Mysterious websites could give your computer viruses, contain pornographic material, and more dangerous content.
Strangers pose the biggest risks on the internet. Strangers on the internet constantly browse sites younger people are involved in such as chat boxes, social networking sites, and more. They can pretend to be younger people, or your ‘friends’, and get information out of you that may put you in danger. You should never give out your name, phone number, address, or any other personal information that could put you in danger. You should talk to your parents and administrators to learn how to properly protect yourself further to prevent any more danger.
Another threat on the internet is dangerous scams made by companies that will steal your money or other info and sell it to third parties, then sending mail to your house and more. You should never enter your personal info or any credit card info without the supervision of an adult or supervisor.
Some sites also contain inappropriate material such as pornography, gore, or other things you may not want to see. Students should always use safe searches and make that sure you type things correctly. One typo from “Lego” can turn into “Legs”, which certain websites make pornographic material out of. You and your parents should set up a special filter with your internet provider or other software providers to protect you.
These are only some of the dangers of the large world-wide-web; but it isn’t all bad. The internet is a great resource for information and ways to experience social networking. One of the best ways to safely search the web is through our Spring Valley’s library database. Without the hassle or risk, your library’s resources are very easy to use. Contact the librarian for a list of approved websites and passwords, and also there are new research apps for your smart phone.