Formerly known as the Furry and Anthro Club, the United Fandoms Club is a place where all fandoms are respected.
In the beginning, club advisor Carlos Brown had hoped to start a furry club at Spring Valley. The furry community is one with very few interactions between members within it, according to Brown. Although, he realized it would’ve been selective, and the topic was possibly controversial, so he decided to change the idea,
“I realized the subject wasn’t very diverse, so I changed it to be every fandom, as I wanted it to be able to include anybody and to be a part of it,” Brown said.
Brown said that he fears people will berate the club, seeing as people still regard the United Fandoms club as its previous furry club. The idea of a furry club created a negative reaction for people. For example, posters that Brown created were torn up, and hurtful comments were left on the informational video showed on GNN.
“Apart from the people who showed up and instantly left, I felt as though people had a positive reaction,” Brown said. “[I felt] very confident after having that happen.”
Brown had taken this opportunity to create a more positive impact. Despite the negative feedback the club had in the beginning, after the interest meeting that took place on Thursday, Sept. 26, the people who came and were genuinely interested gave a sense of hope for the community Brown plans on creating.
“My goal is to make it a very positive environment, as it really seems to be a subject people are really intrigued about,” Brown said.
Whether you like anime, K-Pop, popular Role-Playing Games or anything in between, the United Fandoms club wishes to have members of various fandoms to create a safe and trusting atmosphere.